Join MyPharmAssist

Join as a Pharmacy

As each pharmacy has its own needs and specific goals it is looking to achieve, we like to customize our quotes to the individual pharmacy. Please fill out the information below and we will create a custom quote for your pharmacy. Within a few days, this will be returned via email to the Pharmacy Contact listed below. We hope can help bring your pharmacists right to your patient's medicine cabinet.

Fill out the form below to join, fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Pharmacy Information

Login Information

(Your email address will be used as your username for logging into the site. Please use a valid email address, as a verification will be sent to this email address to activate your account after registration.)
Begin typing...
(Please type a password between 12-16 characters that contains at least one capital letter, one number and one special character.)
Begin typing...
(Please retype the same password again.)
(Your hint will be emailed to you in case you forget your password - we will NEVER email your actual password.)

Address Information

(Quick Questions and Video Conferencing are able to operate in the following states: Arkansas, Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia. Our hope is to continue to expand into states that allow pharmacists to operate in this way. If you are a patient and do not reside in one of the above states, you are welcome to utilize the My Meds section but will be unable to participate in Quick Questions or Video Conferencing.)

Tell us more about your Pharmacy

(Each user will have their own individual login that will show their work within the system. The number above needs to include the total number of employees that will be utilizing This can be pharmacists and/or technicians based on your pharmacy's preference and needs.)
* Do you currently utilize Microsoft products?
Only accept questions/consultations for current patients? (If you only want to allow current patients to schedule consults/questions, please check this box.)

Areas of Specialty

Check all of the following areas that apply to you:
